How to Quit Tobacco FAQS with the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline
If you’re thinking about quitting tobacco, your first question may be, “Where do I start?”

If you’re thinking about quitting tobacco, your first question may be, “Where do I start?” The short answer: with the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline and our “how to quit tobacco FAQs.”
The Helpline is a FREE quitting tobacco service available 24/7. We don’t lecture or judge you — we simply provide the tools and support you need to quit tobacco your own way. That includes free text and email support, phone and web coaching, nicotine replacement therapies and more for registered participants.
To find out more about our free, customizable services, visit or call 1-800-QUIT NOW… and check out the FAQs below!
Q: What is the best way to quit smoking?
A: Everyone’s style of quitting is unique, so there is no best way to quit smoking. However, working with an Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline Quit Coach™ combined with approved nicotine replacement therapies can double your odds of quitting. Outside support helps too. Learn how support from the people around you increases your chances of success.
Q: What is a Quit Coach?
A: A Quit Coach is a trained professional who will help you through the process of quitting tobacco. Each call with your Quit Coach will last about 20 minutes, depending on your needs. Plus, your coach will help create a customized Quit Plan just for you.
Q: How often will my Quit Coach contact me?
A: For those in the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline’s multiple call program, you and your Quit Coach will schedule your calls to make your Quit Plan work. Sometimes calls can be weekly, and other times every other week. The calls are spaced out to optimize your Quit Plan.
Q: What is NRT? How does it work?
NRT stands for “nicotine replacement therapy.” The Helpline offers NRTs including nicotine patches, gum and lozenges. They deliver small doses of nicotine over a 24-hour period without the toxic chemicals found in tobacco products. NRTs help minimize withdrawal symptoms that occur immediately after quitting.
Q: What is the success rate of using patches, gum or lozenges?
A: Studies have shown that on their own, nicotine replacement therapies increase your chances for success by up to 70%. Our NRTs are a safe, FDA-approved, proven method that helps break the cycle of addiction. Plus, when combined with other Helpline services and support, your chances of success increase even further.
Q: How many weeks of NRT can I receive from the Helpline?
A: At least a two-week supply of FREE nicotine patches, gum or lozenges is available for eligible registered participants. You can use our services twice in a twelve-month period.
Q: How long will it take for my patches, gum or lozenges to arrive?
A: NRTs can take 10-14 business days to arrive by mail.
Q: How Old Do You Have To Be To Use The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline?
A: To be eligible for the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline, participants must be at least 13 years of age. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), such as patches, gum or lozenges, is only available to individuals 18 years and older.
A new partnership with My Life, My Quit™ offers quitting support for teens, 13 – 17, along with TEXT, phone and online support to quit tobacco.
Just visit or text “Start My Quit” to 855-891-9989.
Q: Do you provide support for smokeless tobacco users?
A: Yes. We help people quit who are using any form of tobacco, including dip and chew. Want to learn how to quit dipping? Click here to visit our Smokeless Tobacco page to get started.
Q: Is it possible to quit cold turkey?
A: Quitting cold turkey is possible. The success rate is 5% versus 24% among those enrolled in the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline’s single call program, and 41% among those receiving the Helpline’s most intensive service, also known as “All Access.” All Access service includes multiple coaching calls combined with nicotine replacement therapy.
Whether you’re trying to quit or just thinking about quitting, the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline is here to help. For more info on our free services and strategies for how to quit tobacco, call 1-800-QUIT NOW any time, or visit