Need Support To Quit Vaping? We Have That Too.
Get Support To Quit Vaping.
Vaping makes it way too easy to get hooked on nicotine. And quitting? It can be a serious challenge. If you’re thinking about giving up your vape, the Helpline has FREE tools and services to help.
Vaping makes it easy to get hooked on nicotine. If you’re thinking about quitting, the Helpline offers FREE support.
Let’s Clear The Air On The Dangers Of Vaping.
Think vaping is safe? Don’t believe the hype. E-cigarettes and vaping are dangerous to your body. They may seem harmless, but they’re filled with addictive nicotine. They may also contain flavorings linked to lung disease — or heavy metals that can cause brain damage.
Get The Facts On VapingBuild a FREE Custom Plan That Works for You
FREE Services
Everyone has different needs. That’s why we offer several different resources and ways to quit tobacco for FREE. Explore your options — then call, click or text to get started.
Patches, Gum or Lozenges
When you use nicotine replacement therapy, known as NRTs, you increase your odds of success. Get at least a two-week supply of patches, gum or lozenges at no cost to you!
Online Resources
For encouragement, questions and support, check out our new and improved online resources, including an interactive Dashboard, emails and live group sessions!
Coach Support
For personalized assistance, check out our Coach support. With texts, calls and more options available, you can find the system that works best for you.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
FREE patches, gum or lozenges help you ease off tobacco slowly.
New Text Option For Teens to Quit Vaping.
Teens get TEXT, phone and online support. The best part? This help works!