Introducing My Life, My Quit.™ Help Teen Vaping
FREE help for teens to quit tobacco.

My Life, My Quit – Help Teen Vaping Addiction
For teen vaping under 18 who struggle with nicotine addiction, text help is here with My Life, My Quit.
My Life, My Quit™ is for teens, 13 – 17, who want to quit vaping, smoking or chewing tobacco. Each teen gets quit help via TEXT, phone or online with trained staff. It’s easy!
My Life, My Quit™ uses proven methods for quitting. With evidence linking vaping use to addictive behaviors later in life, it is vital to get teens the support that works. My Life, My Quit’s™ compassionate coaching offers smart, simple and effective help.
How can you reach My Life, My Quit™? Text 36072 for real-time coaching. Visit to learn more about the program and to enroll using our streamlined registration process.