Quit Tobacco With Our 31-Day Calendar: Tips and Inspiration

We get it: quitting tobacco is hard — but it’s so worth it.

quit tobacco calendar

We get it: quitting tobacco is hard — but it’s so worth it. A brand new you is just around the corner. The best way to start your quit journey is to take it one day at a time.

Download this 31-day calendar from the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline. It’s filled with tips and encouragement to help you beat cravings and conquer a whole month tobacco free.

Daily Tips and Tricks

days 1-2

Feeling stressed or nervous about quitting? You’re not alone. These feelings are a natural part of the quitting process. When you start to feel on edge, take a break. Grab a healthy snack, take some deep breaths or read a little. These coping skills are great for dealing with stress during your first few days of quitting.

day 3

Former tobacco users agree: Day 3 can be a huge challenge — but don’t give up! The nicotine cravings will ease over time. In the meantime, stay strong with these motivational videos from the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline.

day 4

Time to start Day 4! Now that you’ve made it a full 72 hours, your body is almost totally free of nicotine. Whoo-hoo! That’s a huge step. Give yourself a pat on the back!

days 5-6

On Days 5 and 6, expect symptoms of nicotine withdrawal – feeling frustrated and moody are common. Don’t worry, it’s totally normal to have a short fuse in the first week of quitting tobacco. Here’s a quick tip: Cut back on caffeine. It’s a stimulant that can make you feel nervous. Instead of coffee, try herbal tea or drink some extra water.

day 7

One whole week is a huge milestone. Tobacco users who make it a full week without tobacco are nine times as likely to quit successfully. You’ve made it this far. Don’t turn back now!

days 8-10

Now, you’ve got some energy, but triggers are lurking everywhere. It could be your drive to work, your morning cup of coffee or the smell of cigarette smoke — anything that reminds you of your old habit. Keep an eye out for triggers that could trip you up and use our Craving Busters to distract yourself until the craving passes.

days 11-13

Nicotine is a stimulant. It perks you up and makes you more energetic. When it’s gone, expect to feel tired and worn-out for the first couple of weeks. You may also experience sleeplessness. Don’t worry, your body is adjusting quickly. In a couple more weeks, you’ll be back to feeling perky.

day 14

Boom! Huge milestone today! You may notice that you’re breathing and walking easier thanks to improved circulation throughout your body. Plus, your lung function improves up to 30 percent two weeks after you stop smoking.

day 15

Deep breathing and physical activity are great ways to deal with stressful moments. When you’re feeling tense, take a break from the situation, then breathe deeply and slowly for a couple of minutes. A healthy walk is also a great way to manage stress. Physical activity releases natural endorphins that relax your body and mind.

days 16-17

Mindfulness meditation is a great way to fight cravings. It helps you stay focused on the present moment without getting swept up in powerful emotions or cravings. Want to learn more? Check out our mindfulness guide!

day 18

Here’s something they don’t teach in school: our habits are all connected to each other. If you want to change your relationship to tobacco, switch up your daily routine. Take a different route to work. Rearrange your bedroom or living room. Wake up a little earlier in the morning. Eat at a new restaurant or pack a different lunch. When you shake things up, you eliminate cues that lead to tobacco cravings.

days 19-20

Did we mention physical activity is a great way to bust cravings? Long walks are great, but there are tons of other ways to get moving. Take the stairs when you can. Do a few extra laps at the grocery store… or throw on some music and have a dance party in the living room. Aim for at least 30 minutes of movement a day, and you’ll be on the right track.

day 21

Congrats on another milestone day! After three weeks, the brain fog should start to disappear, and your appetite may begin to settle down. Your moodiness and anxiety should also improve. With each day, you’ll feel better and better until you’re back to your old self.

days 22-23

When you crush your goals, you deserve a little treat. Rewarding yourself is a good way to reinforce new habits. Here’s an idea: use some of the money you’ve saved by quitting tobacco to buy a new outfit, take yourself out to dinner or watch a couple of TV episodes guilt-free. When you take time to celebrate, you’ll build drive and create a reward to work for. Don’t feel guilty — you’ve earned it!

days 24

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to look strong — and talking about our feelings? It can feel like a sign of weakness. It’s not! Talking with friends and loved ones gives you a chance to explore your emotions. It can help take your mind off the stress and focus on someone else for a moment. Plus, friends or loved ones can offer support when you need it most. If a craving hits, call a trusted friend to pull you through.

days 25-27

Now your lungs are really starting to recover! You might notice that each breath comes easier and that you experience less coughing. With each passing day, your body is healing itself — and it only gets better from here!

Days 28

You made it another week! Take a minute to celebrate this huge success. Want to show off your progress? Download inspiring GIFs to share on social media. Only three days to go until you’ve conquered your first month. You’ve got this!

Days 29-30

Remember, dealing with stress is a huge factor in your quitting journey. Make a list of de-stressing activities that help you get through tough times. Some favorites are: bubble baths, bonding with pets, yoga, stretching, a fun hobby, a hot tea or cocoa and spending time outside. There are thousands of ways to relax when you feel tense. When the stress comes on, try one of your favorites.

Day 31

You did it! A whole month without tobacco! As the days pile up, you’ll notice that you think about tobacco less and less. On many days, it won’t even cross your mind, but remember to keep your guard up! There will always be triggers and places that remind you of your old habit. If a craving strikes, use the tips you learned this month to pull through. 31 days without tobacco is a huge accomplishment. Give yourself a nice reward and remember: if you did it for a month, you can do it for a lifetime. It just gets easier from here!

Download Our Inspirational Calendar

Track your progress with our 31-day calendar. Click here to download it for free.

Looking for more tools to help you successfully quit tobacco? The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline offers 24/7 nonjudgmental support and tons of FREE services to help you when you need it most.

Call 1-800-QUIT NOW or visit OKhelpline.com to get started.