Spring Cleaning — 6 Tips to Help You Stop Smoking
Quitting tobacco is one of the smartest decisions you can make and is a huge first step on the road to a healthier life.

Quitting tobacco is one of the smartest decisions you can make and is a huge first step on the road to a healthier life. Along the way, you’ll face cravings and other unhealthy distractions that will try to sidetrack you. When quitting tobacco, learning how to overcome cravings is key to staying on course.
One way to fight tobacco cravings? Tobacco-proofing your life. You will have fewer urges to smoke if your environment supports your goal to be tobacco free. This spring, make a clean break from tobacco by doing some spring cleaning at home, work, your car… everywhere! Check out these 6 spring-cleaning tips to help stop smoking below, and remember — for FREE help quitting tobacco, visit OKhelpline.com or call 1-800-QUIT NOW.
1. Clean Your Home
Cleaning your house is just one of many tips to help stop smoking. Throw away ashtrays, matches and lighters. Look in drawers, bags, coat pockets or anywhere else where a stray cigarette may be hiding. Wash your drapes, towels and any other linens, and shampoo your carpet, too.
2. Clean Your Car
Shine up your car’s interior, and shampoo floor mats, seats, upholstery and even the ceiling to remove the smell of cigarettes. Wash your windows — especially in the corners where smoke residue may have collected. Check seatbacks and go through your glove box and center console to hunt down any lighters or stray cigarettes. Soak any leftover tobacco products under water so you cannot use them.
3. Clean Your Clothes
Wash your clothes and anything that smells like smoke, including gloves, hats and shoes. If you have a coat you always wore on smoke breaks, consider getting it dry cleaned. Or, you can toss it and do a little shopping to freshen up your wardrobe, too!
4. Clean Your Workspace
Just like your home and car, clear your place of work of anything that reminds you of smoking. Go through drawers and toss any lighters or empty packs of cigarettes you might find.
5. Freshen Up Your Appetite
As you learn to live a tobacco-free life, try to make healthy food choices at every meal. Replace high-calorie foods with healthy, low-calorie choices like yogurt and fresh fruits and vegetables. Some other ways to distract yourself from smoking include keeping your hands and mouth busy. Try crunchy foods like pretzels, rice cakes or air-popped popcorn (without butter), so your mouth has to work more. Or, keep your hands busy by choosing foods that take longer to eat, such as oranges or sunflower seeds in the shell.
6. Get Some Fresh Air
You can also fight off cravings with some physical activity. Make time to be active for at least 30 minutes every day of the week. Enjoy the warmer weather by going outside for a walk when a craving hits. Or, try going for a bike ride, shooting some hoops or doing some yard work. The most important thing is to find activities you enjoy and that will fit into your schedule.
These are just a few ideas to help stop smoking. You can also try some brain games, puzzles and advanced coloring sheets at OKhelpline.com, too.
For even more help and 24/7 nonjudgmental support, try our FREE services, and pick the ones that are right for you. Visit OKhelpline.com or call 1-800-QUIT NOW for more information.