5 A’s for the Treatment of Tobacco Dependence.
Do you know the 5 A’s of tobacco cessation? Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist and Arrange. This five-part intervention is a…
Do you know the 5 A’s of tobacco cessation? Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist and Arrange. This five-part intervention is a proven way for physicians to address tobacco use. Learn about each step of the process to put your patients on a healthier path.
Ask About Tobacco Use
Ask patients about past or current tobacco use while taking vitals such as blood pressure. Patients may feel hesitant or embarrassed, so try to sound non-judgmental.
Advise Quitting
Advise patients to quit in a clear but sensitive manner. Relate the immediate and long-term benefits of quitting to your patient’s life and introduce them to the FREE resources at the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline.
Assess Interest in Quitting
On a scale of 1-10, assess how ready your patients are to quit. If they’re hesitant, share how tobacco affects their health — as well as the long-term benefits of quitting. Patients who are reluctant should still get non-judgmental advice. They may also be interested to learn about the Helpline’s free services.
Assist with Quitting
Work with patients to establish a quit plan and quit date. Talking about FREE support from the Helpline may help put them at ease. The goal is for patients to feel supported on their quest to quit.
Arrange Follow-up
Arrange a follow-up during their first few weeks of quitting. During this conversation, praise their success and compliment their progress.
When patients relapse, offer advice and understanding. Quitting is hard. Refer them to the Helpline’s free services and reiterate your support.
FREE Services, Support and Resources
Encourage your patients to call 1-800-QUIT NOW or visit OKhelpline.com. Tobacco users may be eligible for free nicotine replacement therapy such as patches, gum or lozenges. They also have access to trained Quit Coaches, email and text support. Success rates are substantially higher when combining medication with counseling.
Interested in free promotional materials for your office? Brochures, pens, posters, tip cards and more are available. They’ll keep the Helpline top-of-mind and encourage your patients to quit.