How Quit Smoking Medicines Help

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published new resources that highlight the ways quit smoking medicines also called…

quit smoking medicine

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published new resources that highlight the ways quit smoking medicines also called nicotine replacement therapies help tobacco users quit. Here are some key takeaways:

3 Reasons Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Helps You Quit

Evidence proves that Quit Smoking Medicines (NRT) is a highly successful tool. In this article, the CDC dives into the three main reasons why NRT works:

  • It’s safe.
    Patches, gum or lozenges are much safer than tobacco products. These medicines do not cause lung disease and are much less likely to cause heart disease.
  • It curbs cravings.
    It’s much less addictive than cigarettes and significantly reduces the urge to smoke.
  • It complements other tools.
    NRT is not a “magic bullet” for quitting but combining it with counseling like the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline offers greatly increases the chances of success.

Talk with your doctor to see if NRT is right for you.

5 New Ways to Quit with Medications

Most people who quit tobacco have tried multiple times. One thing is true across the board: No two people quit the same way. Fortunately, there are FDA-approved medications that can help you quit your own way. Note: The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline offers at least a two-week FREE supply of patches, gum or lozenges to those registering.

Learn about other methods the CDC recommends.

Why Quitting Tobacco is Hard

It’s no secret — quitting is tough. So what exactly happens to your brain when you do?

Your brain must adjust to your new nicotine-free lifestyle. Learn the benefits of daily routines that no longer include smoking.

How Quit-Smoking Medications Work

The CDC breaks down various NRT methods and how they help you quit.

CDC Tips for Quitting

There are many components to beating tobacco: Having a plan, managing cravings and changing habits. They’re much easier said than done, yet they’re critical keys to conquering tobacco. Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. Research shows that combining NRT with counseling greatly increases your chance of success. Note: The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline offers FREE Quit Coaching.

Check out the CDC’s top tips for putting tobacco in your rearview mirror — and keeping it there — here.