
I am grateful for the love that motivated both of us to make me a nonsmoker.
My story is a little unusual. I was in my 20s and had smoked since I was 8 years old. I had a habit of almost 3 packs a day. And then, my grandmother made me an offer. She had a friend tell her about how they had helped someone quit smoking. She made me the same offer. She would pay me to stop smoking. How much? The equivalent of what I would spend on smoking for a year. I told her I smoked 3 packs. She assumed I meant a week, and I did not correct her. I loved my grandma so much. I took her offer and she paid me $160 to stay quit for one year. After taking the money, there was no way I would cheat her. And she was so happy to have helped me quit. As you can tell, that was many years ago. I am grateful for the love that motivated both of us to make me a nonsmoker.