
My blood pressure now is that of an 18-year-old. My life is fabulous.
Bryce tried cigarettes when he was only six years old. He said he “did it to be cool with the other kids.” Unfortunately, his early exposure kept him hooked until he was 43.
Bryce didn’t want to be a lifelong tobacco user. He admits: “I was in an addiction I didn’t want to be a part of. I didn’t like smoking. I did not consider myself a smoker. I didn’t hang around other smokers, yet I was smoking.”
One key factor fueled Bryce’s desire to quit. His daughter, Jordan. “I began to fear that I would not make it to her graduation date.” Bryce wanted to be a healthy and supportive dad who could watch her grow up, graduate and get married.
However big his motivations, quitting didn’t come easy. Bryce broke and crumbled cigarettes before tossing them into the trash. However, when cravings hit, he fished the broken cigarettes out, reconstructed them and lit up. He knew he needed help to make it stick. He said, “I can’t do this myself. I need the support and help.”
That’s when Bryce called the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline. In addition to the NRT gum, the Helpline provided additional resources that helped him on his tobacco-free journey.
Now, Bryce feels a whole lot healthier and happier. “My blood pressure now is that of an 18-year-old. My life is fabulous.”